Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Happy Anniversary Baby!

Today Jason and I celebrate four wonderful years of togetherness. What can I say that isn't cheesy? Well, I can't think of anything non-sappy. So honey, you complete me! You're the bestest ever. *SMOOCHES* Love you! (Schmaltzy but true!)

Side note: Jason ordered us DirecTV with TiVo today and they’re coming to install tomorrow morning! (Yay! Yay! Happy dance!) Further evidence that Jason is, in fact, the bestest ever. (I gotta cut this out before I end up with a man with an over-inflated ego…)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! You guys are catching up to Ben and I! :) Happy, happy anniversary! Any special plans?


3:31 PM  
Blogger Shananigans said...

Well, Tosh, I guess we'll never really catch up to you and Ben since you officially got together before J and me ;)

Jason works late tonight (well, 10pm, but that's late for me now that I'm old) so we don't have any plans for this evening. But we went out to Mi Ranchito Mexican Restaurant last night and it was awesome. I will definitely be back! (Even though I drank my marguerite too fast and it gave me brain freeze.) The vegetarian section is even clearly marked on the menu. I love it when they do that! I had an enchilada and chile relleno platter. Yum, yum, cheesy goodness. And the homemade salsa is to die for.

We are also planning on going out to brunch this weekend to make up for the fact that we just won’t be spending much time together today *sigh*.

4:04 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

Mmmmm... Ego boost.

7:15 AM  
Blogger Jason said...

What I mean is: Aw, thanks honey, you're the sweetest in the world. I love you very much and am so happy to be a part of your life.

7:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CONGRATS ON 4 YEARS! That's awesome! ~Stewsday

12:41 AM  

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